Monday, December 30, 2013

Victorian House

On a trip to San Francisco last year, I was completely overwhelmed by the beautiful scenery and architecture that the city has to offer. The city was filled with Spanish style villas, Mediterranean houses, modern houses. But the most prominent architectural style in San Francisco is that of Victorian houses. Here are a couple of picture that we took of the houses that inspired me to do my next AutoCAD project.

The house on the left is located in the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood, located a couple of blocks south from the hippie-friendly Haight Street. The house on the right is located in Pacific Heights, one of the most affluent neighborhoods in San Francisco. Taking a walk in this city is like taking a walk in an architecture museum, with every house showing different details and designs. What I love the most about these houses is that they are the complete opposite of the modern house designs these days that concentrate on being minimalistic and simple. Victorian houses are filled with moldings, patterns, colors, and many other things that make each home unique. Drawing these kinds of houses on AutoCAD is not the easiest task, as there are many details to pay attention to. Here is the front view of a Victorian house I designed on AutoCAD, inspired by the ones in San Francisco.

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